Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sayin' Bing Bang, it hit me like a Boomerang!

After Josh's visit today with my brother, Philip, and beautiful sister in law, Julia, and constant "Why haven't you visited me yet"'s..I'm going back to Texas. And as Lacie would say, No Joke!!!!

Now, I haven't flown in 4 years, and I was supposed to experience my first flight, post-op with Josh to Chicago for Thanksgiving. I am so scared to fly alone, although, I don't voice my feelings! On the way to Dallas, I have a layover in New York City. That VERY short flight just may be enough for me to handle! I suspect the flight from New York City shall be very painful, and complete hell! I imagine that my Excedrin will be my best friend throughout the flights!

I love my brother more than ever imaginable amounts! I am his little Pop-Tart! (Only Philip would get this!) He is for sure one of the most influential, loving man I've ever met in my life! He has such compassion for everyone!

So pretty much, long story short, one, I feel like complete hell. Two, I get to goto TEXAS!! YAY!! Third, I'm scared as hell to fly! Lastly, I love you Philip!

1 comment:

Yvette said...

I found your blog through Laci's blog Live love laugh. My son is in the hospital right now. I thought I'd look a other Chiarians. The dr's seem so positive only I find myself thinking this is going to be a longer recovery then I thought for him. I am worried about how to make him comfortable once I get him home. If you have time I'd like to know if anything helped make you more comfortable or how he should sleep once we get him home. Thanks.
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